Saturday, July 29, 2017

A wide selection of foods that contain Vitamin B complex

B vitamins have benefits that are crucial for the body it is therefore important to know what are the foods that contain vitamin B complex. As we know that vitamin is nutrition plays a major role as a regulator of substances in various chemical reactions in the body and plays an important role in metabolic processes. So also with the B vitamins, these substances should be provided in the food we eat everyday because it can be produced within the body itself. Vitamin B is composed of 8 type, i.e. vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B5 (pentotenat acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B7 (biotin), vitamin B9 (folic acid) and vitamin B12 (kobalamin).

the eight types of B vitamins have their respective functions. The function of vitamin B1 that is instrumental in the production of energy, improve memory and brain function. Vitamin B2 serves as energy, maintaining healthy skin, hair, and eyes. Vitamin B3 serves as energy, blood sugar regulation, skin health, and brain function. Vitamin B5 serves as nerve energy, health, skin, and hair. Vitamin B6 to produce red blood cells and maintain system health of the nervous system. Vitamin B7 function maintaining healthy skin, nails, hair, and plays a role in the breakdown of glucose. Vitamin B9 role maintaining health of pregnant women and fetal development. While vitamin B12 plays a role in the launch of the nervous system, the production of energy and red blood cells.

A variety of foods that contain Vitamin B complex
One of the perks of B vitamins in the appeal of other vitamins, vitamin B that consists of many different types and each type has a composition and its function singly as explained above. A combination of the eighth the B vitamins are often referred to as the vitamin B complex. Order intake of B vitamins complete, then we should consume foods containing all types of vitamins B (B complex). A variety of foods that contain B complex vitamins among others as follows:

Red Rice
Brown rice is one type of staple foods that contain vitamin B complex. Indeed these foods less popular than white rice, but Brown rice has a lot of advantages over white rice. In addition to vitamin B complex high, brown rice is composed of complex carbohydrates so that it is suitable for weight loss. Brown Rice also contains compounds manakolin K role to lower cholesterol. Consumption of red rice is very good for maintaining heart health, blood sugar control, digestive, ward off free radicals, as well as maintain health bones and brain.

The potatoes on the menu everyday food can be cooked, such as multi purpose for making bread, as vegetables, snacks, can even be used as a substitute for the staple food. The potato is a great food containing vitamin B complex and is recommended for those of you who were undergoing diet. Potatoes contain carbohydrates complex types so no sooner converted into energy that makes you feel full longer. Potatoes are also very good as a substitute for rice especially for diabetics. The consumption of potatoes is also beneficial for preventing prostate cancer, maintaining heart function, maintaining eye health, care for the beauty of the skin.

These vegetables are indeed not a vegetable native to Indonesia, but now many are found in supermarkets around us. Asparagus is a food containing vitamin B complex which provides many benefits to the body. Benefits contained in asparagus, among others, i.e. can launch the digestive tract, preventing diabetes, maintaining heart health, ward off skin damage, maintaining eye health, and prevent kidney disease.

Red meat
Foods containing vitamin B complex that next red meat. This food comes from animal products and is the leading provider of vitamin B. Consumption of red meat is very good for building up the body's cells, as a source of energy, and improve cognitive function. But you have to be careful if you have a history of high cholesterol, because of excessive red meat consumption can also raise blood cholesterol levels.

You surely are familiar with vegetables on this one because it is often consumed by people in Indonesia. The prices are cheap, its nutrition value is high, it tastes good and fresh vegetables make this much sought after. Spinach also is one of the foods that contain vitamin B complex. Benefits contained in spinach, among others, namely the launch of digestion, repairing damaged cells, good for growth, protect the skin from free radicals, and protect the stomach and intestines of toxic substances.

Nuts that have a flavor that is also delicious foods that contain vitamin B complex. In addition it contains vitamins B kompl

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